about me
Thank you for being here!
I believe that our personal healing is interwoven with collective liberation and pursuits for social justice.
I imagine a future that is equitable for all people and all beings.
I would be honored to do the work of unraveling and imagining with you.
My background
Before becoming a therapist, I worked as a hospice nurse where I learned a deep respect for mystery, the unknown, and the wisdom of grief.
I’ve since pursued training in experiential, relational and somatic therapies that help get to the root causes of what brings us suffering and get in the way of accessing our true selves. These influences include Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, AEDP, and sensorimotor psychotherapy.
I’m also engaged in lifelong learning around issues of collective trauma and view healing and social justice to be deeply interwoven. As a white cis-gendered female therapist my intention is to track my positionality in the therapy room and make space for exploration of identity as part of the therapeutic journey.
I see clients in-person in Berkeley and Petaluma and online throughout the state of California.
I continue to be awed and inspired by the resilience and beauty of the human spirit and the more-than-human world.